Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Frugal Movies

How does everyone save money on renting movies?

We love to rent movies when we feel like it... I've thought about the netflix, etc but wonder if we would really get our money out of it? Some months we like a lot of movies and some months we rent none.

I'm wondering  how any of you save money on renting movies - please share with everyone!!


  1. I googled blockbuster 1 a free 1 month trial to blockbuster. 3 DVD's at a time, plue 5 instore exchanges for free. Just make sure to cancel or downgrade. We will probably try netflix next. Also, REDBOX is amazing. $1 a night, and there are free codes sometimes.

  2. I've seen redbox and the free codes - I should probably post them on here for everyone.

    I love the and I used to do it a long time ago. I should have kept it because I think I would have been grandfathered into the price. Oh well....

  3. Red box is the only way to go. You can rent a movie for $1.08 after tax for 24 hours. Every monday they send out free promo codes, how can you beat that? We always reserve our movies online so it takes only seconds to swipe your card and grab your movie. And you can return the movie at any Redbox location!!

  4. You can reserve them online? I did not know that! Is the free promo code only good for Monday - or can you use it any day of the week?

  5. The local library! Usually you have to put the newer ones on hold, but that's the only way we usually watch movies nowadays. The multnomah library system (and most others) has an online catalog, so you can put movies (or books, or cd's!) on hold and they'll email you when they're in, then you pick them up at the branch of your choice! And you can keep them for 28 days (or longer if no one else has them on hold).

  6. We cancelled cable and use netflix and hulu. Netflix is only $8.99 a month and you can watch live stream tv and movies!! We also get movies (one at a time) sent to our house. So... Our tv bill has gone from $150/mo + to $8.99 ($29.99 a month to Comcast for Internet only)

    oh, we also bought (on the cables to directly connect our computer to our 58" plasma tv :). I think those were less than $10.

    And Carla... You can buy the UFC fights online and watch them on the tv too!!

  7. Great ideas everyone! Please keep them coming!
